About Me

My name is Ramya, and I am currently a third-year medical student living in Texas with a hobby of writing about my travels in the little spare moments I have. I find writing and editing my photos from my travels therapeutic after many long hours of studying, and I figured why not put together a blog that I can share with other people.

My love to travel was something I learned from my parents who are also avid explorers themselves. You can say that the phrase, “Where to Next?” is basically our family motto. Even though I am in medical school, I haven’t given up on seeing more of the world. In fact, the lessons I learn from traveling help me be a better culturally informed and adaptable physician-to-be. As a bonus, they are applicable everywhere in all areas of life too! Don’t you think we could all learn to appreciate each other more if we could just understand each other’s way of life by experiencing it for ourselves? I certainly do. The skill to plan a good vacation is something that takes several trips to learn, and the research always takes hours to do. However, the hard work pays when I see the people I travel with enjoy the experiences, food, and city to the fullest. Maybe I can be of some assistance for you and your family, friends, and significant others to feel the same way.

Some of the other things I like to do is play with my two cats, Minerva and Mika, eat tacos and Thai food, and find new TV shows to watch!

Thank you for visiting my site!