Photo Tour of Angkor Wat and More

December 23, 2019

As much as I can try to describe the feeling of being at Angkor Wat, climbing the old stones, and standing in musty long corridors, picutres are still worth a thousand words. So, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. The camera we used to shoot these photograpghs is the Canon 5D. For more information about how to plan your trip to Angkor Wat, please read my other article!

Read| Exploring Angkor Wat, Siem Reap: Two Day Itinerary

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

Sunrise at Angkor Wat

Me at Angkor Wat!

Beautiful lotuses in the surrounding moat

Man sitting under a tree

Close up of Bayon face

Bayon temple faces

Victory Gate

Cotton Silk tree root in Ta Prohm

Famous image of Ta Prohm

Me at Banteay Srei

Details at Banteay Srei

North Gate, my favorite of all the gates

Structure near Preah Khan

Walkway to Preah Khan

Entrance to Preah Khan

Temple details

Kids playing on the stones of Ta Som

Impressive tree outside Preah Khan

Lounging cat at Ta Som

Hopefully, you are able to appreciate the beauty of Angkor Wat from these images, but they are nothing compared to being there in person. If I have somehow inspired you to visit Cambodia or have reaffirmed your decision to go, I hope to help your travel plans be exciting and more efficient!